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Budget News

Efforts to keep KCSM on television fell $100,000 short of the $1 million effort, but that didn’t stop the San Mateo County Community College District Board from approving the station for another year.

Earlier this month, CSM students and faculty collaborated to organize teach in activities to increase awareness about the state budget crises and public education and to encourage others to get involved in the effort.

Voters would be inclined to support possible parcel tax or construction bond measures to offset budget problems at the San Mateo County Community College District, according to a recent survey.

Community-college leaders hope students and the general public will keep fit while helping generate some much-needed revenue for academic and other programs.

Yes we can overcome cuts, but only together, was the message shared with about 100 people who participated in a candlelight vigil in support of education held at the college last night.

A dedicated group of college community members put together a candlelight vigil on November 23rd. The goal was to show our support for one another and our solidarity with those working to combat the forces arrayed against public education in California.