College of San Mateo is featured in the season 10 of The College Tour, a groundbreaking series from Emmy-nominated producers Alex Boylan, Lisa Hennessy, and Burton Roberts, which is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Nursing News
Feb 27 2024
Jun 5 2023
Five days of filming during finals week in May will provide a glimpse into the CSM student experience.
Nov 5 2019
The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named College of San Mateo as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges. Based on strong and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges nationwide have been invited to apply for the Aspen Prize.
Apr 2 2018
Jane McAteer will be retiring at the end of June after a 31-year career with CSM. Jane started at CSM as a nursing faculty member in 1987. She became the Director of the Nursing program in 2003, and since then, has led the program with a steady hand for the last 15 years
Nov 27 2017
For the first quarter of the reporting period from July 1 through the end of October, 2017, the NCLEX pass rate was 97%. The Board of Registered Nursing uses the annual pass rate as a critical outcome and benchmark for the program.
Oct 5 2010
San Mateo County Health System said Monday it’s won a $2 million federal grant to bolster primary care and behavioral health services for individuals with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
Jan 4 2010
Much hasn’t gone well in Foster’s young life, but she’s not complaining. In fact, she’s thriving despite — or even perhaps because of — the medical, emotional and other challenges she has endured.