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Student Services News

Leading the Way in Community College Advocacy for Undocumented Students

Bringing Free Health Services and Resources to Our Campus Community

CSM’s Connect to College event on Thursday, May 4, was a resounding success, attracting over 300 attendees, including members from the local community and their families! The event was valuable for individuals interested in exploring the college’s numerous academic programs and student support services, including the college’s Free College enrollment fee waiver for qualifying San Mateo County residents. 

College of San Mateo’s Project Change Learning Community has positively transformed the lives of juvenile justice-impacted youth on CSM’s campus for many years. Project Change provides wrap-around student support services, direct access to postsecondary education for incarcerated youth, and in-person college instruction inside juvenile youth facilities.

College of San Mateo has received funding to establish enhanced services to support foster youth and former foster youth by adding the NextUp Program, a new program within EOPS/CARE.