College of San Mateo will host Family Science Day this Saturday, Sept. 28, from 1 am – 11 p.m.
Science News
Sep 27 2024
May 13 2024
On April 20, 2024, College of San Mateo’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program proudly presented its Second Annual Day of Science in collaboration with the Community College Outreach Program (CCOP) at Stanford University. This vibrant event showcased the remarkable journeys of our MESA students, from scientific discovery to career exploration in STEM fields.
Dec 1 2023
College of San Mateo’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program recently embarked on an enriching journey to the SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) Conference held in Portland, Oregon. This prestigious event celebrated as the National Diversity in STEM Conference, provided a platform for CSM MESA students to engage with luminaries in their fields, participate in STEM-focused workshops, explore career prospects, and gather insights into pursuing graduate education.
Aug 16 2023
Family Science Day is one of the longest-running and best-loved events at College of San Mateo, having delighted the public with stargazing, planetarium shows and science workshops since 2006.
Sep 28 2022
The weeklong event at CSM is an extension of the annual Family Science Day that features several new planetary programs geared toward science demonstrations for children to introduce them to science uniquely and tangibly beyond just reading.
Nov 5 2019
The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named College of San Mateo as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges. Based on strong and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges nationwide have been invited to apply for the Aspen Prize.
Jul 23 2018
Beginning in June 2018, Bay Area Pathways Academy launched yet another successful six-week summer program at the College of San Mateo, serving more than 400 students in grades 6 through 9 from both near and far, including from San Mateo County, a cohort of middle school students from Japan, and a cohort of scholarship-support students from East Palo Alto.
Dec 7 2017
A new College of San Mateo program promoting science, technology, engineering and math education is trying to open the door for some students typically shut out of the region’s wealth of desirable jobs.
Nov 27 2017
CSM has secured a $74,500 MESA grant (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement) to expand services and academic support to educationally and economically disadvantaged students. The goal of the MESA program is to support student success and transfer to four-year universities for STEM majors.
Jan 31 2017
On November 13, 2016, a team of three College of San Mateo physics students took home a bronze medal in the seventh annual 2016 International University Physics Competition. Advised by CSM physics professor, Mohsen Janatpour, the students joined over 500 other undergraduate teams from colleges and universities throughout the world to compete in this prestigious event.