The San Mateo County Community College District surpassed its enrollment goal this fall semester and trustees are now eager to understand what enabled that growth so it can be harnessed moving forward.
Enrollment News
Nov 3 2023
May 2 2023
Student enrollment at the San Mateo County Community College District has increased in recent semesters, a trend officials hope and expect will continue as most students take advantage of the free class offerings.
Apr 14 2023
Thousands of San Mateo County residents will remain eligible for free community college through the summer and next year but district officials have taken a more conservative approach to lower barriers to higher education by taking into account financial need for other fees.
Sep 23 2022
Students and local officials gathered at Cañada College Thursday to rally in support of Senate Bill 893, a measure currently awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature that, if signed, would allow the San Mateo County residents to attend community college here for free.
Dec 18 2019
SMCCCD continues its implementation of a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Here is the December update.
Dec 18 2019
CSM students can now buy their textbooks with credit from their existing financial aid plan. Contact the Financial Aid Office at (650) 574-6147 for more information.
Oct 29 2019
Students may now designate their preferred name on SMCCCD records and in their SMCCCD email address.
Sep 23 2019
The past few weeks have been busy in the CRM world as we get closer to our Phase I launch and continue to develop future phases of the project. Here is an update on the work being done to launch the CRM for Marketing & Recruitment, Counseling, Enrollment, and overall integration with our IT systems.
May 31 2016
New and former students can apply and enroll online at CSM’s Admissions page. Continuing students can register for courses via WebSMART now for summer session and August 16 for fall semester. Summer 2016 and fall 2016 schedules are available online via downloadable PDF formats.