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December 10-16, 2024
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December 24 - January 1
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January 13, 2025
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Become a Leader in Governance and Management with a Certificate or Degree in Public and Non-Profit Administration!

This column was supposed to be about a rising political star. But it turns out that this rising political star isn’t interested in being a rising political star. Instead, he wants to do what he does best, helping students. He’s living his life story by helping students receive the kind of help he needed and never received because didn’t realize it was there for the asking.

The San Mateo County Community College District’s new workforce development and training portal,, offers critical job training and small business resources on one convenient website. Designed to help address the workforce crisis caused by COVID-19 in the Bay Area, the website launched this week. 

The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named College of San Mateo as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges. Based on strong and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges nationwide have been invited to apply for the Aspen Prize.

CSM Career Services and other offices are hosting a variety of career-related events from October to December.  All are designed to help our students and community promote career awareness and exploration and find their WHY.

Save the date for a special recognition event for faculty and managers who have been at CSM for 10, 20, and 30 years. Thursday, Oct. 31, 2:00 – 3:30 pm, College Heights Conference Room. Details to come.

On Wednesday and Friday nights at the College of San Mateo, it’s not uncommon to see students gathered in a classroom and focused on building a wide range of skills, from sharpening their math to understanding team dynamics.

In a healthy economy, it can be difficult for companies to find employees with the right skills and training. That is why CSM has created the Career and Workforce Hub to connect Career and Technical Education (CTE) students and alumni with employers. The Hub bridges the gap between employers and students by providing students with career exploration and preparation services, and working with businesses to create internships and employment placement.

LaShonda Kennedy has joined CSM’s Workforce Development department as the new program services coordinator. She has extensive experience in project management, workforce development, community outreach and program development and evaluation.

College of San Mateo career education programs have again earned numerous awards from the California Community College’s Strong Workforce Stars recognition program. CSM’s career education programs won one Gold Star, two Silver Stars, and eight Bronze Stars for success in helping students reach new heights in earning power and social mobility.