CSM saluted its veterans, service members and their families on Veterans Day with a very distinguished and poignant flag raising ceremony. The ceremony was attended by an audience of approximately 300 that included many veterans, active duty military, local dignitaries and members of the college community. The cornerstone of the event featured a U.S. Army unit color guard raising an American flag that had been flown during active duty. The flag was donated by Foster City resident Captain Justin C. Erickson, son of CSM business instructor Cynthia Erickson.
The program included three speakers, Richard Steffen, a Vietnam veteran representing Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s office, Kathy Yeung, a CSM student veteran, and Captain Erickson; each spoke about their individual military experiences. Following the flag raising, the audience participated in a moment of silence for those who died in service to the country. To set the tone for the event, a quartet of voice students performed America the Beautiful and the Star Spangled Banner a cappela. The children from the Child Development Center added a heartwarming touch as they carried small American flags and sat throughout the ceremony on best behavior. A reception sponsored by the Associated Students followed the ceremony. Thanks to Mario Mihelcic, admissions assistant, for coordinating the event.